News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting will rain work for 2d spaceshooter?

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  shwick 4 months, 1 week ago.

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    Hi I’m wondering if rain will work well with 2d physics in unity. I’ll have a ship that needs to navigate through asteroids and enemy ships and weapons. Does rain work well with 2d physics?



    So a quick list of what will work and won’t in 2D for RAIN:

    AI - partially works
    — BasicMemory - works
    — BasicMind - works, move node won’t work unless motor is replaced
    — BasicMotor - won’t work in 2D, would need to be replaced
    — BasicNavigator - won’t work in 2D, would need to be replaced
    — BasicSenses - sensors work except for line of sight which uses the 3D raycast
    Entity - works
    Waypoints - works, but won’t be useful unless motor is replaced
    Navigation Targets - works, but won’t be useful unless motor is replaced
    Navigation Mesh - won’t work, doesn’t pick up 2D colliders

    As for replacing the motor and navigator, I haven’t attempted this just yet, I’m not sure what I would do for navigation in fact. A 2D physics motor seems straight forward, but I’m not sure I can put one together right now. Perhaps someone else has created one at this point though.



    Thanks well I may give it a try and if I do I’ll report back.

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