
This topic contains 14 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  redhawk 6 days, 13 hours ago.

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    Can Adv Warfighter be integrated with UFPS easily?



    I know a couple of Adv Warfighter users have worked on integrating the two. We could potentially provide direct support for that. What would you be looking for in an integration? Just integrating the damage systems? The bullet/projectile effects? Swapping the Adv Warfighter First Person Controller with the one from UFPS?



    basic damage where the ufps player can damage/kill ai and the ai damages the ufps player.

    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by  anabeces.


    Why yes, yes, and yes! You must be a mind reader!

    Basically I want to play the Adv Warfighter demo using the UFPS controller and weapons, and kill or be killed using all the default UFPS settings.

    Also, it would be nice to be able to swap out the Bootcamp soldiers for any other mecanim characters of my choice (other soldiers, zombies, etc).



    I would like to use this with ufps too, one thing I dont understand is why this package wants to wipe out the settings of your project, and which ones it needs? This is totally making life difficult for me.



    I was confused and misleading in this post, as far as I understand now you do not need any of the settings from this project, Unity enforces this on large projects. It works just fine, if you have issues it is probably smoothFollow.cs not being assigned to your camera object due to a clash with a script of the same name. As for UFPS it should work perfectly, but we need to work out how to become the enemy, not figured that out yet they think i dont exist, how do you make them think youre the enemy @prime? And then how to deal damage - stating the obvious here of course but it is blatantly possible to make AAA games now with UFPS and Rain which is fully how I intend to spend my 2015 :-)



    SmoothFollow script issue - our mistake. We’re trying to do a better job in our future packages to stick to namespaces that avoid conflicts like this.

    I answered the enemy detection question on your other post. Short answer is, look for the Team custom element and the Team aspect that gets assigned at runtime.

    Dealing damage is done by sending a Hit message to the object being damaged. Take a look at the HealthElement, Damage, and DamageProxy scripts.

    ** I’ll mention that we have a new line of pre-built characters which will start to roll out this week. For the new characters we tried to use a more structured approach to damage which differs just a little from Squad Command. The intent for the new “Sentio Characters” is that they share a common reusable framework for all of these issues (enemy detection, damage dealing, etc.) so you can drag and drop them into your game and they just work. More info soon.



    Absolutely cannot wait for these new Sentio dudes, it is going to be amazing. I havent been tweaking squad command too much as I am anticipating some changes as you mentioned. Really am checking asset store daily now waiting for new RT goodness :)

    There is some very good tutorials on Rain and UFPS integration here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pFMzUVg0G4
    The channel is worth subscribing too!


    Duncan Peck

    I know a couple of Adv Warfighter users have worked on integrating the two. We could potentially provide direct support for that. What would you be looking for in an integration? Just integrating the damage systems? The bullet/projectile effects? Swapping the Adv Warfighter First Person Controller with the one from UFPS?

    That sounds awesome. I just brought a copy of UFPS and plan on buying Adv Warfighter on my next payday in a couple of weeks. If you or anyone you know could make some tutorials on how to do this that would be excellent :)


    Duncan Peck

    Are there any updates on this? I’m keen to purchase Adv Warfighter but I’m scared I won’t be able to integrate it with UFPS… so I may go with ShooterAI instead which would be a shame because I’d prefer Adv Warfighter. Please reply soon before I end up buying ShooterAI.



    Once Unity approves the latest version and it hits the Asset Store, I’ll try to find a few minutes to look into integration scripts. It only took a few minutes for the Sentio Characters. AWAI is a bit more complex, but hopefully a basic damage-passing integration could be accomplished quickly.



    @prime hi, have you had a chance to look into integration between AWAI and UFPS?






    Yes, still eagerly awaiting this integration



    All, I will do a video tutorial soon. Just haven’t had the time to do that yet.

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