This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  kzoink 1 year, 7 months ago.

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  • #5287


    With RAIN{indie}, I used to use root motion for forward/linear movement but not for turning/angular movement-I would let the RAIN AI handle the turning as I do not have special turning animations that are compatible with the walk and run animations I have. It seems this is no longer possible with RAIN unless I create my own custom Motor, as whenever Root Motion is checked in the MecanimMotor, angular movement is disabled because the MecanimMotor expects to be able to drive the Direction and AngularSpeed parameters to control turning, even when the parameter names are not filled in. Is there any workaround?



    I wrote my own custom motor derived from MecanimMotor to allow root motion for linear/forward motion and for the AI to have direct control over the transform for turning/angular motion and it’s working fine. I took away the Use Root Motion checkbox in the MecanimMotor and added Use Root Position and Use Root Orientation checkboxes to give myself this flexibility. While I was at it, I made the new motor set the Mecanim Speed parameter to 0 when Move has reached the Close Enough Distance. I’m not sure why this isn’t the default behavior but it is the behavior I desire.

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