News Forums Troubleshooting My Navigation mesh & my patrol route don´t save! (Multiple routes / NavMeshes)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  prime 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #34396


    (Sorry for my english)

    I have a patrol route and a navigation mesh in scene A, and in scene B I have the same, copied using a prefab.

    When I close and open Unity again, the Navigation mesh is “empty” and the patrol route looks like the one I used in scene A.

    Can I fix this by making a new patrol route and a new navigation mesh?



    What version of RAIN? Are you running 2.1.5?



    Yes, 2.1.5



    Looking into it.



    I am having difficulty replicating this error. Are there any errors or warnings in the console log? It may be that something in the project or scene is causing problems with it saving.

    It is also possible that I did not correctly understand your problem. If you can replicate the problem in a small example project you can zip/package that up and send it to I’ll be able to figure it out real fast for you if that is the case.



    Oh, one other thing, what version of Unity is this in?



    No errors or warnings.

    Unity 4.5.1 Pro



    I tested it again, this happened:

    (I had a patrol route in this scene that was just 1 waypoint)

    1. I deleted my old Navigation mesh and created a new one.
    2. I saved the scene, opened another and then I opened the first scene again.
    3. The 1-wwaypoint-route was replaced by my route from an other scene.




    I’ll test again and see if we can reproduce that behavior.



    Not sure what is going on in your project. I can’t seem to reproduce this.

    Would it be possible for you to send us your project so we could take a look?



    Hmm. I used a prefab for the 2nd scene. I created a simple patrol AI with the tutorial in scene A, then I made a prefab of my “NPC” and used this prefab in scene B.

    Maybe this is the mistake.
    I’ll make another one in scene B without a prefab.

    BTW, I can’t edit my behaviour tree, the variables are just grey, why?



    The only time the behavior tree disables editing is when BT Bindings are used. After running an AI, the Editor sometimes keeps the imported binding nodes in memory. They’ll show in the editor, but won’t be editable. You can clear them out by clicking the Reload button on the upper right. Let us know if that’s not what’s happening.

    The tests I ran were similar to your description. I created a patrol route, navmesh, and AI and then created prefabs from them. I then created a new scene and created the same elements in the new scene by dragging/dropping the prefabs into the scene. I ran multiple tests after that, modding the elements in the scene, saving, switching to the other scene, and repeating. In my tests I didn’t run into any issues.

    Again, if you have a sharable project that demonstrates the issue, we can take a look and see what’s going on.

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