News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting Face down @ the Waypoint

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  prime 1 year, 5 months ago.

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    Just got RAIN yesterday and starting to learn how to use it.
    I read some forum posts that got me kind of through the differences between the tutorial and how it works now.

    I unchecked Valid Path Required
    I checked Allow 3Dmovement
    I checked Allow 3drotation

    I set Move as a child of WayPointPatrol
    I changed Move from Always to UntillSuccess

    My guys now move along the path till they get to a waypoint, then one of two things happens,

    1. They fall flat on their face, then spring back up and start moving towards the next waypoint. or
    2. They fall flat on their face and their buddies behind them do the same till there is a huge ball of arms and legs rotating around the waypoint. (25 NPCs total randomly spawned around the area with the same AI in a prefab)

    I have tried unchecking 3Drotation, but then they dont try to make the corner at all and they all just stop at the first waypoint they get to.

    The only difference i really see from the tutorial is that I am on uneven ground, but they have no issue following the path to the waypoing, its just they are not switching to the next waypoint once there.

    Anyone have some idea what I am doing wrong? I am sure its something simple.





    I’m guessing you aren’t using navmesh? Doesn’t sound like it.



    I created a navmesh for the area which is now in my hierarchy list, but no, I dont think I am using it, where is it used for waypointpatroling?



    When you allow 3D movement, the AI must reach its close enough distance in all 3 axis. I suspect it is having a hard time doing so with your setup - if the waypoint is off the walkable surface at all (under or over) it may not be reachable. You will almost never want to use 3D movement in conjunction with walking on a surface/terrain. Instead, use 2D movement and allow gravity to keep you on the surface.

    3D rotation means the AI will always try to orient its forward axis toward its facing target. Again, if your AI is supposed to stay vertical, you won’t want that.

    A typical waypoint setup involves 2D movement and rotation only. NavMesh doesn’t actually matter, so disregard that.



    Ok, I will work with those settings, though they weren’t moving at all before I toggled them on, and that is the ‘fix’ recommended in another thread here on this forum… be back in a bit to report how it goes 😉



    ok that worked thanks :)

    Allow 3Dmovement
    Allow 3Drotation
    Valid Path required
    all untoggled makes it work like it should.
    I could have sworn i tried that before but must have had something else messed up at the time (had move set in parallel instead of as a child)

    Simple step learned, now ill be trying to figure out how to have a more random apperance instead of them all lining up single file on the paths 😛 but thats for another day

    thanks again,




    If you are using a navmesh, then you will almost always want to keep Valid Path Required toggled on. When it is off, the AI is allowed to ignore the navmesh when it can’t find a path. That can lead to bumping into walls, etc..

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