News Forums RAIN Sample Projects, How To, and Code Chasing player on navmesh


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  prime 7 months, 1 week ago.

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    If I want an enemy to chase the player all over the navmesh even if the player moves behind obstacles, do I just make a Navigation Target the child of the player, and have the enemy AI always moving toward that Navigation Target?

    Is there a better way to do this without using a Navigation Target and just using the player’s transform directly?

    Thank you



    Sure. Do just what you said - use the player’s transform/game object directly. Variables that contain transforms/game objects are valid move targets for move nodes.

    For example, when you use a sensor and enter a variable name in the Form Variable field, it’s the game object that gets bound.



    Can you clarify? I want the enemy to avoid obstacles.

    It seems using the player’s transform directly doesn’t allow the enemy to chase the player around obstacles. I used the Move action using the player’s transform as the target and the enemy will make a beeline for the player and walk into a brick wall and keep smashing into it forever.

    But if I make a Navigation Target the target, then the enemy will deftly avoid all obstacles to get to the target.



    Something else must be going on. For RAIN, there’s no difference between the two methods. Do you have a project you can share that demonstrates the problem? Also, are you using the very latest RAIN? (2.1.6)

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