Once RAIN{one} is installed, the RAIN menu will be located at the top of the Unity Editor.

Create AI

This creates all the components necessary on the selected GameObject so that it can be controlled by RAIN{one} AI.

It will add the following components to your GameObject:

It also adds the following objects into the hierarchy:

Add Aspect

Aspects represent pieces of information that describe objects and are detected by Sensors.

  • Visual, Tactile, Auditory, Olfactory, Taste - Assigns a predefined Decoration to the selected object.
  • Custom - Assigns an empty Decoration to the selected object.

Add Sensor

Sensors provide a convenient mechanism to detect the information represented as Aspects from the game-world and make it available to AI logic.

  • Visual, Tactile, Auditory, Olfactory, Taste - Assigns a predefined BoxSensor or ExpandingBoxSensor to the selected object (designed to sense the predefined aspects in the Add Aspect menu). By default, RAIN{one} adds a Visual sensor to the GameObject when you.
  • Custom Fixed Box, Custom Fixed Sphere, Custom Expanding Box - Creates empty sensors that can be customized.


This is where you can access the Behavior Tree Editor.


This is where you can create a Recast Object.


This is where you can access help and information about the RAIN{one} product.

  • About - Click to find out what version of RAIN{one} you are currently using.
  • Visit our Website - A link to our website.
  • Go to Our Forums - A link to our forums.
  • Register for Updates - A link to our registration page.
  • Submit a Bug - A link to our bug submitting form.
  • Read the Documentation - A link to the this documentation.
  • Rebind RAIN Components - If the RAIN{one} components in your scene have lost their scripts after an update, you can try this option.
rainonemenu/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/03 15:03 by Eridanus