News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting Problem importing RAIN asset

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Enphra 1 month, 1 week ago.

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    I’ve recently started to look into RAIN AI, starting with checking out the Starter Kit projects, and everything worked fine there. However, when I tried to import the RAIN asset from the Unity Store into my existing Unity project, the Behavior Tree system outright breaks. Issues I’ve seen so far:

    - The behaviors I add to the tree don’t get saved at all. The name in the BT editor always shows as Current AI (Enemy)(modified), with the “modified” tag never disappearing to indicate it’s been saved. When I hit Play, all the nodes I’ve added to the tree simply disappear.
    - The “reload”, “import xml” and “export xml” buttons that are supposed to show beneath the BT dropdown list are not showing up at all.
    - The dropdown list to select a BT doesn’t recognize any BT’s that exist in the project - it only ever shows “Current AI” and “Create New Behaviour Tree”.

    Obviously with behaviors not getting saved at all, the system is currently useless to me. I’ve tried deleting the asset and re-downloading and re-installing it, which didn’t help. Any ideas on what might be causing this issue?



    What version of RAIN? (There aren’t any versions of RAIN that had this behavior as a bug, but it still helps to know).

    How did the existing behavior trees get into the project? Did you originally copy RAIN directly our of the Starter Kit into your project, then try to upgrade through the store?

    Generally, it sounds like some part of the install or config settings are in a strange state. Check your RAIN Settings (go to the RAIN menu, then Help->Settings.) You should see the Settings appear in the Inspector pane. Look for the fields “BT Save Directory” and “BT Editor Search Directory”. Chances are these aren’t set to the same place. The default for both should be:


    In particular, the Save directory should be the same as or a subdirectory of the Search directory.



    The paths for the BT Save Directory and BT Editor Search Director are exactly the same; they’re both set to Assets/AI/BehaviorTrees/.

    I’m using RAIN version and Unity 4.6.1 (free version). I imported RAIN into my project directly from the Unity Asset Store, since I assumed that was the cleanest way. I noticed just before writing this that you had the version up on this site and downloaded and imported that one to try - still getting the same problems with that.

    When I import the same package into a new clean project file via the same way it works fine, so there’s nothing wrong with the importing process per se, just something in this project that seems to be messing it up.



    Just letting you know I’m still thinking about what the issue might be. (I often avoid answering posts if I don’t have an answer yet - that way I don’t lose track of them.) If you don’t see an answer in the next day or two, just post something to bump this back to the top.



    Thanks for your reply. Luckily my project wasn’t very large yet and I’ve managed to work around the issue by exporting and importing all my data into a fresh Unity project file - for some reason that seemed to work. So I’m guessing maybe something in my old file was messed up or corrupted and interfered with something RAIN depends on?
    I’ve still no clue what the problem was, but at least this workaround made me able to continue again.

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