News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting Adding NavMesh on Procedurally Generated Level on Runtime


This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  EmpI 3 weeks ago.

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  • #40415


    As it says on the tin.

    I’m looking for solutions for my game which has levels that are all procedurally generated on Runtime. Every time “play” is clicked in the Editor, a new level is created. I’d like for every time I click “play” for a navmesh to be built around the level, with holes cut inside the walls.

    I would also like for enemies which I already have randomly spawning in the level to move about and wander randomly (the idea I have is to randomly set their destination to random tiles on the map, and every time the enemy reaches that destination, the destination jumps to another random spot.)

    The second paragraph i’m confident I can handle on my own with simple C# programming, but for the first paragraph, I wouldn’t know where to begin. So help?



    Here you go

    and here is the code I’ve been using

    using System;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using RAIN.Navigation.NavMesh;
    public class NavMeshBuilder : MonoBehaviour
        private NavMeshRig _navMeshRig;
        private int _threadCount = 4;
        private int _timeToCreate;
        public static NavMeshBuilder Instance
            get { return _instance; }
        public delegate void NavMeshBuilt();
        public event NavMeshBuilt OnNavMeshBuilt;
        private static NavMeshBuilder _instance;
        private void Awake()
            if (_instance != null)
            _instance = this;
        public void GenerateNavMesh(NavMeshRig pNavMeshRig)
            _navMeshRig = pNavMeshRig;
        IEnumerator GenNavMesh()
            float m_startTime = Time.time;
            while (_navMeshRig.NavMesh.Creating)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("creating nav mesh..{0}", _timeToCreate));
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
            if (OnNavMeshBuilt != null)
            float m_endTime = Time.time;
            Debug.Log(string.Format("NavMesh built in {0}s", (m_endTime - m_startTime)));
        public bool IsNavMeshCreating()
            return _navMeshRig.NavMesh.Creating;
    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by  blockcipher.
    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by  blockcipher.


    I got it to work! Excellent.

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