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The RAIN Menu

The RAIN menu is the method for creating all RAIN objects. Once RAIN is installed, the RAIN menu will be located at the top of the Unity Editor.

Create AI

AI are used to control behavior and movement on your GameObjects.

When you create a new AI:

  • An AI object will be added to your GameObject in the Hierarchy.
  • An AI Rig component will be added to the AI object and can be modified in the Inspector.

Create Entity

Entities are used to add information to GameObjects that your AI can use.

When you create an Entity:

  • An Entity object will be added to your GameObject in the Hierarchy.
  • An Entity Rig component will be added to the Entity object and can be modified in the Inspector.

Create Navigation Mesh

Navigation Meshes are used to map scenes out in a way the AI can understand.

When you create a Navigation Mesh:

  • A Navigation Mesh GameObject is added to the Hierarchy.
  • A Navigation Mesh Rig component will be added and can be modified in the Inspector.

Create Waypoint Network

Waypoint Networks create desired paths across a scene, like a road or sidewalk.

When you create a Waypoint Network:

  • A Waypoint Network GameObject is added to the Hierarchy.
  • A Waypoint Rig component will be added and can be modified in the Inspector.
  • At this point you can use the Inspector or hot keys to add additional waypoints to your network.

Create Waypoint Route

Waypoint Routes create direct or patrol paths in a scene.

When you create a Waypoint Route:

  • A Waypoint Route GameObject is added to the Hierarchy.
  • A Waypoint Rig component will be added and can be modified in the Inspector.
  • At this point you can use the Inspector or hot keys to add additional waypoints to your network.

Create Navigation Target

Navigation Targets are points in the scene that can be quickly referenced by your AI for movement.

When you create a Navigation Target:

  • A Navigation Target GameObject is added to the Hierarchy.
  • A Navigation Target Rig component will be added and can be modified in the Inspector.

Behavior Tree Editor

This is where you can open the Behavior Tree Editor.


This is where you can access help and information about RAIN.

  • Settings: Selects the RAIN Settings asset.
  • Visit the Community Support Site: A link to our Community Resources
  • Visit our Website: A link to our website.
  • About: Click to find out what version of RAIN you are currently using.

Check for Updates

This checks to see if there is a update available. This is the recommended way of updating your project with the latest version available. You must switch your project to Standalone in order for updates to work (in build settings).

You can change the settings for automatic updates by selecting Settings in the Help menu.

gettingstarted/rainmenu.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/13 18:13 (external edit)