News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting Waypoint route bug 1st waypoint in middle of route

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  RAINLover 5 months, 2 weeks ago.

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    I have a level with 4 waypoint routes, approximate 43 nodes each. The last route added the AI goes to waypoint 29, which is in the middle. I’ve tried deleting and re-creating the route, but it always goes towards the waypoint closest that spot in the map.

    It is quite far from the AI spawns, and it follows the navmesh to get to this waypoint 29, but in a very A* manner, hugging walls, funnelling, etc. Not what I want. It passes the first 12 waypoints and ignores them completely. Once it hits waypoint 29, it goes onto 28-27-26, normally [it’s a reverse route].

    I’m wondering if anyone has created multiple routes with this many waypoints, and if there might be an overflow bug. I have approximately 100+ waypoints spread throughout 4 routes.



    Check the rotation on the waypoint gameobject itself (or sub objects as it may be). There was a bug where arbitrary rotation on the gameobject would cause the AI to grab the wrong first node. I forget if this has been fixed in the current version (I have a feeling it is still there).

    It is fixed internally though, so it is possible we can ignore this once you email me (per the conversation in the other thread).



    Hi, on RAIN, if you don’t set the Waypoint Route transform to all zeros before laying down waypoints, then it’s possible that the AI will not choose the closest waypoint on that route as it’s first.

    I pulled out my hair trying fighting this bug until I found an earlier post.

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