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This topic contains 18 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  TonyV125 4 days ago.

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  • #40701


    Hi, first off I realized I made a mistake, the code I’m using is from here a few posts ealier….

    But the code changes were the same… I made the changes from VectorPathNode to WaypointPathNode and now I get an out of range exception error from this line:

    moveTarget.WaypointTarget = waypointSet.Waypoints[lastWaypoint];

    I did a debug.log of lastWaypoint and it is oddly always returning a value of -1 although it should be a valid node number after this line:
    lastWaypoint = ((WaypointPathNode)tNode.GetConnectionOut(tRandomEdge).ToNode).NodeIndex;

    even though a debug.log of tNode.ConnectionsOutCount.ToString() gives me legitimate values…

    I do get the warning that using NodeIndex is obsolete… is that the problem?

    Thx again!



    Yea sorta. The waypoint class changed quite a bit. It improved in many ways (a much faster closest waypoint call, can handle very large graphs now), but the deprecation made some things a little different, and I imagine I left some things out.

    Here’s an updated script that you can pull your changes from. I just updated the deprecation and changed it a bit to work with the new setup (only posting the top part as the rest is the same):

    public Expression WaypointNetwork = new Expression(); //either the name of the network or a variable containing a network
    public Expression MoveTargetVariable = new Expression(); //the variable you want to use for the output move target
    private MoveLookTarget moveTarget = new MoveLookTarget();
    private Waypoint lastWaypoint = null;
    private WaypointSet lastWaypointSet = null;
    public override ActionResult Execute(AI ai)
        if (!MoveTargetVariable.IsValid || !MoveTargetVariable.IsVariable)
            return ActionResult.FAILURE;
        WaypointSet waypointSet = GetWaypointSetFromExpression(ai);
        if (waypointSet == null)
            return ActionResult.FAILURE;
        if (waypointSet != lastWaypointSet)
            lastWaypoint = null;
            lastWaypointSet = waypointSet;
        if (lastWaypoint == null)
            lastWaypoint = waypointSet.GetClosestWaypoint(ai.Kinematic.Position);
            if (lastWaypoint == null)
                return ActionResult.FAILURE;
            moveTarget.WaypointTarget = lastWaypoint;
            if (!ai.Motor.IsAt(moveTarget))
                ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem<MoveLookTarget>(MoveTargetVariable.VariableName, moveTarget);
                return ActionResult.SUCCESS;
        int tNodeIndex = lastWaypoint.Set.IndexOfWaypoint(lastWaypoint);
        NavigationGraphNode tNode = waypointSet.Graph.GetNode(tNodeIndex);
        if (tNode.ConnectionsOutCount > 0)
            int tRandomEdge = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, tNode.ConnectionsOutCount);
            WaypointPathNode tRandomNode = (WaypointPathNode)tNode.GetConnectionOut(tRandomEdge).ToNode;
            lastWaypoint = tRandomNode.Waypoint;
        moveTarget.WaypointTarget = lastWaypoint;
        ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem<MoveLookTarget>(MoveTargetVariable.VariableName, moveTarget);
        return ActionResult.SUCCESS;


    Works!!!!! thanks sooooo much. I’ve really missed you guys lol.

    But I had to change

    private Waypoint lastWaypoint = null;


    private RAIN.Navigation.Waypoints.Waypoint lastWaypoint = null;

    as it was trying to use UnityEngine.Waypoint instead in Unity 5.5.0…



    @Prime - It looks like I’m okay now.

    I usually keep my RAIN Behavior Tree editor always open in a separate window, and that separate window was failing to load the BTs and throwing the error. I tried toggling it using the menu (RAIN > Behavior Tree Editor) and a new BT Editor opened with the BTs and the existing BT Editor crashed. It was still open (just a gray box) and I couldn’t close it, but when I left the project and went back in all was good.

    In 2.1.17, trying what I did above didn’t make a difference, so I wasn’t as quick to try it again. I then just had to reassign BTs to my characters.

    Thanks again! And sorry for the false alarm.

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