News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting NavMesh and Waypoint problems in Unity 5

This topic contains 17 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  prime 1 year, 8 months ago.

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  • #37706


    Hi guys,

    like many, I am quite new to RAIN but have been using it with success. I decided however, before digging too deep into my project, I would convert to Unity 5.0.03f.

    I am having some weird anomalies happen with regard to the NavMesh, and creating waypoints.

    1. NavMesh

    When I create a NavMesh in RAIN, to put it simple… does not work… had no problems in Unity 4.6.3 Having all the same assets loaded into the project.

    The NavMesh appears but there is no visual of the NavBlock (white box) and I have no ability to expand it move it whatever. When I increase the scale, once I release the mouse it justs snaps back to the original position. Just not usable.

    2. Waypoints

    I can create the first waypoint route with no problem, and if I run the AI without the NavMesh all works fine except without the mesh the ai walks through everything. So the Ai seems to be running fine.

    Once I create a second waypoint route, I can only create 4 waypoints that work. The fifth waypoint appears, but has no transform handle although it does show up in the inspector RAIN Waypoint panel. The only way I can move them is clicking add waypoint when I have the screen centered where I wish it to be placed. Non the less, if I assign this waypoint path to the AI it will not follow the route. If I randomly assign route one and two, it does select route 2 but wont move to it.

    I get no error messages what so ever.

    Quite perplexed as love this system… worst case scenario, go back to Unity 4.6

    Using Unity Pro 5.0.03f

    Other assets, that may be causing the problem although they are all unity 5 compliant (no errors or namespace errors)

    ProBuilder / ProGrids
    uScript 1.0.2874
    UFPS 1.5.0
    iCode 2.3 (formaly Ai For Mechanim)
    Bolt Networking



    I am having the same problem. All current Nav meshes work just fine, but I an unable to make a new one. I click add, drag the box to where I want it, and then click generate and nothing happens but I get this error in the console

    “Method not found: ‘UnityEngine.TreeInstance.get_prototypeIndex’.
    at RAIN.Navigation.NavMesh.Collectors.TerrainColliderCollector.CollectColliders (Int32 aCount) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAIN.Navigation.NavMesh.RecastProcess.ContourCreator.GetGridMeshes (RAIN.Navigation.NavMesh.RecastNodes.Point2 aGridSquare) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAIN.Navigation.NavMesh.RecastProcess.ContourCreator.CreateContours (System.Collections.Generic.List`1& aMeshes) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAIN.Navigation.NavMesh.NavMesh.CreateContours () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at RAINEditor.Navigation.NavMesh.NavMeshEditor.DrawInspector (System.String aLabel, RAIN.Serialization.FieldWalkerList aWalker) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    It works fine if I use it in another scene, just not in my main scene.



    I don’t get any errors which is weird… Did not try a new scene.



    Interesting… hopefully someone will be able to help.



    They know about those problems with the patch 3 release guys and said they would release an updated version in a few days. If you can downgrade to version 5.0.1 (F1) it fixes some issues but the waypoints issue remains. There is another thread a few posts down touching base on it.



    All is good, no doubt they caught it, just like to make sure they are aware of it as did not see any posts in regard to these problems…

    Work on another project in the meantime as don’t like to downgrade rather wait for the fix.

    Cheers all



    My apologies. I did not see the other post. Great news! Glad to know it is coming. Thanks and God bless.



    RAIN 2.1.11 has been submitted to the Unity Asset Store and will be available from our website later today



    Is it possible to use the “Check for updates button to download it if you did not originally download it from the asset store?



    Yes - it will be available from our update server in a little while.



    Are you updating Squad Command as well?

    (Can’t get behaviors to save in Unity5 at the moment)



    Hi there,

    @Prime : Very good news! I´ve got an old question by the way. Do you think we could see the dynamic avoidance in the next future? I mean in the next months? Is one of the things that keep Rain from being perfect
    Thanks in advance for the answer



    Great news. I know you are probably tied up with the release but is there any chance to shortly update the Starter Kit as well ? There were plans to add mechanim examples there.




    Ok. Just noticed that when you click download on the Starter Kit the file is dated 20150427. Can’t wait to check this out today evening.




    @MikeHunt (ugh, the user name):

    Yes, we released the U5 update for Squad Command yesterday. We aren’t able to make that directly available for download, but you can contact if you need it before it becomes available on the asset store.

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