Apologies as I know this has been asked in past threads. Though I could not find a definitive answer or solution to the problem. I have a 2000 x 2000 terrain that I created. It has some trees, details, etc. on it. I placed a RAIN navmesh on it with the following values:
Size: 2000
Auto grid size: true (auto set to 80- greyed out)
Visual height offset: 0.25
Preview colliders: false
2 layers in ignored tags
Max slope: 45
Walkable height: 2
Radius: 0.55
Step Height: 0.75
Cell Size: 0.1
Vertex error: 0.2
Max Segment: 5
Unity version 5.3.4 p1
It takes about 10-15 minutes to get to the end of the progress bar and freezes there. Process monitor shows it is using (and increasing endlessly) 27 gigs of RAM (I have 32 gigs installed). I assume it would crash the system when the maximum was reached. Is there any solution to this? I have read that there are ways to use the built in Unity navmesh (though I would rather not) but the thread said the examples were going to be in a starter kit that I can’t seem to find (post was from October 2015).
Anyway, I will try using seperate navmeshes for the time being. Thank ya! RAIN is awesome by the way.
This topic was modified 3 months, 4 weeks ago by