News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting How to integrate RAIN with the rest of game system

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rogerdv 3 months ago.

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    Im trying to use RAIN in my RPG, so far I managed to move an NPC through the scene, but I would like to know if I can integrate it with the other game system: like equipping items before starting combat, notifying the rest of the NPC group that it has engaged player (or other faction), and things like that. Is it possible?



    Yes, your systems can communicate to RAIN with RAIN’s Memory, It means that RAIN can know all information of your system, vice versa.

    And unity NavMesh can be used by RAIN, too.
    You need to inherit BasicMotor and then override bool IsAt() and Move() two function by youself, I have already succeeded for this.
    I can’t pass my code to you because we are a company; however, all thing you need to know is in above.

    Best Regards.



    Forgot about the Memory. I was trying to use custom actions and elements (with some success so far).

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