So I am using RAIN AI to set up my enemy AI behaviour:
Enemies will patrol in a specific route, and keep detect player, once the player is found,
they will start to follow player and try to attack when get close enough.
And here is my problem when I test it:
Each enemy will start to follow player which is ok but, instead of avoid each other’s path
and pathfinding a new way to get to the player, they just block each other, and the blocked
enemies just keep going in the wrong direction and could not find a new way…
Here are what I did so far:
1 Navgation Mesh added.
2 Enemy using CapsuleCollider and Rigidbody with rotation freezed, and using BasicMotor.
3 Using “Move” Node in the BehaviourTree to move to the player when detect.
4 Using EntityRig to set up the player to make it detectable.