News Forums RAIN General Discussion and Troubleshooting AI Stuck at first waypoint

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  delphinius81 1 month ago.

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    My AI Talks to the player and then is supposed to follow a waypoint route so the player can follow him. He gets stuck at the first point. Here is a video showing it. Thanks



    I’m getting this issue with a waypoint network. They seem to be colliding against the node and cannot move past it.



    Yeah I’m getting characters colliding against the geometery of the waypoint network visualizations. Not certain why this is happening….they are not parented to anything and I even have them on a layer that has no collision assigned to it.



    If I move the waypointnetwork node while the character is stuck it will then start to move. Its on a flat floor with no obstructions.



    Are you sure that you have the right step height set for your agent? It looks like it is colliding with the curb geometry, or is that just the camera angle making it look like there is height to the curb?

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