Package RAIN.Belief


class  AssignmentExpression
 AssignmentExpression represents a variable assignment expression similar to a C++ or C# assignment. Assignments can be represented as a left-hand-side (lhs), right-hand-side (rhs) and an infix operator (op) as in (lhs op rhs). Operators supported are EQ, PLUSEQ, MINUSEQ, TIMESEQ, DIVIDEEQ Nested expressions and expressions with variables are supported. lhs must be a single variable name. More...
class  AssignmentExpressionParser
 AssignmentExpressionParser is used to parse text representations of Assignment Expressions. Expressions can be represented similarly to Java or C# style assignments, including using =, +=, -=, *=, /=, parenthesis, variables, constants (numbers) and nested expressions.
class  ConditionalExpression
 ConditionalExpression represents a logical expression similar to a C++ or C# conditional. Conditionals can be represented as a left-hand-side (lhs), right-hand-side (rhs) and an infix operator (op) as in (lhs op rhs). Operators supported are GT, LT, GE, LE, EQ, NEQ, APPROX, NAPPROX, NO_OP Nested expressions and expressions with variables are supported. (i.e., lhs and rhs can be any valid Expression) More...
class  ConditionalExpressionParser
 ConditionalExpressionParser is used to parse text representations of Conditional Expressions. Expressions can be represented similarly to Java or C# style conditionals, including standard comparison operators, parenthesis, variables, constants (numbers) and nested expressions. In addition, the ~~ and !~ operators have been included to mean "approximately" and "not approximately" as defined by the Mathf.Approximately function.
class  Expression
 Expression is used to represent math calculations that can be evaluated into float numbers. Expressions are usually entered as text representations similar to Java or C# expressions. Expressions may be nested and may contain variables. The variable "t" always represents time, and is always bound to deltaTime during expression evaluation. Expressions are used throughout RAIN in Goal Oriented Behavior and Behavior Trees. More...
class  ExpressionParser
 ExpressionParser is used to parse text representations of Expressions. Expressions can be represented similarly to Java or C# style math expressions, including standard operators, parenthesis, variables, constants (numbers) and nested expressions.