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RAIN{one} Video Contest!
  • Jester December 2011
    Hello Everyone,

    We are amazed by all the excellent work being done using RAIN{one}, so we're holding a contest!

    All you have to do is:

    1: Make a short video showing off your project using RAIN{one}'s features.

    Be creative, remember-- this is just a video showing off all the cool stuff you're already doing. :)

    2: Upload the video to Youtube and tweet us the link @RAINai_Dev on Twitter or /RivalTheory on Facebook (don't forget to like us!).

    3: Send the video with a short description.

    That's it! If we showcase your video we will send you $100 and a cyber high-five! Not bad for less than 30 mins of work, right?!

    **IMPORTANT** The contest deadline is Friday, January 13th. Winners will be announced shortly after. Judgement are based on the best AI, not the best game.
  • Is this ending at midnight thursday or will it end on friday at midnight?
  • Here is my video submission. It is my iPhone game called Bulletz. I split it into two videos because iMovie wasn't working right.

  • Jester January 16

    Thanks for the submissions! We will look over your video and get into contact with the winners.

    Thanks again!

  • Jester January 18
    We will announce the winners in the next week or so. We will also inform the individuals that were not chosen. Thanks again for everyone that submitted videos!

  • Any winner yet?
  • Jester January 31

    We have chosen your video as an honorable mention in the RAIN{one} Video Contest!!! We need to go over the details so if you could email me you can claim your prize money!!

    Thanks again for everyone that submitted but didn't post in this thread. We have contacted all the winners/honorable mentions.

    If you have something cool you're doing with RAIN{one} we are still open to take a look...and who knows, we could decide to send you some prize money too. :)

    Thanks again everyone!

  • siflandolly January 31
    Jester, what I have been working on I put in this thread:

    I didn't have it ready in time for the contest, but hey can't hurt to show you what I've done so far.
  • Honorable mention sounds great! I'll send you that email today!

    Where are you going to post the videos of the winner?
  • @siflandolly : I like your videos. Did you get that spider off the unity forums? I remember seeing something like that being given away for free!